The RETURN of the Charming-Yet-Infrequent Newsletter!

Hi Readers,

Since I last wrote, the pandemic hit, I moved to a new home, and the software for this newsletter went kablooey. I still find pieces of it stuck on things. Just a few bits to share today to get back into the swing of things. Thanks for tuning in!


My New Place

I’m working from two desks at home, depending on how cold it is and whether I want to be close to or away from the cat. (To be honest, it’s the cat who decides.)


I took these pics for a recent interview for the blog A Fine Case for Pencils. It’s run by Jane Mattimoe, and she asks different cartoonists about their creative processes. Rina Piccolo and I each did an interview. We both approach working so differently, and thankfully, the difference makes for a nice team. Here’s my interview, and here’s Rina’s!


Teaching Single Panel Cartooning Again Online This Summer


If it weren’t for the pandemic, this 5 day intensive on creating Single Panel Cartoonis would take place in the hallowed halls of The Center For Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, VT. But now, for the second time, it will be virtual. We had a blast last summer. If you have always wanted to get into cartooning, come join us!


Rhymes With Orange Celebrates Year 25

In lieu of a ticker tape parade, I did a Zoom interview with my editor at King Features. If you want to get me a present, there are only two things on my list.

  1. Buy art from an artist you like. (It doesn’t have to be mine.)

  2. Make a drawing (an actual drawing!) of your pet and send it to me.


Some Final Words

You can always reach Rhymes With Orange over social media. Join the Facebook or Instagram page here. You’ll see things like this:


Thanks for tuning in!
